Saudi Arabia of climate and weather

Temperature of 0 degrees over the country, the heat measures?

Saudi Arabia of climate and weather Temperature of 0 degrees over the country, the heat measures? In the absence nor electricity money Heat of nationally out of season has followed. In Hokkaido Saroma day, as the domestic air temperature of the month was a record high of time. According to the Meteorological Agency, also the day in the Kanto region, seems to be this high temperature is followed. Will no way to relieve the heat of the pair early midsummer par. Or there is a desert in the country, the past to the victims has been in and out of the Middle East and Indian officials in heat waves damage, asked the likely useful measures. Japan Meteorological Agency and to find the temperature of the past few days have been published on the website [world of weather data tool], the region that exceeds the maximum temperature is 0 degrees in the Middle East and Africa had lined Zurarito. Of these, the United Arab Emirates, known for such as the Dubai Desert (UAE) had recorded the time on the day. First of all, we ask the person in charge of the Japan Arab Emirates Association (Tokyo).

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